Females / Mommas


Our AKC blue & tan piebald with heavy ticking. Navi loves to explore the outdoors most of the day hunting lizards, bugs or anything that moves. She is an independent woman with a playful disposition. She also loves her chewing cow hooves. She carries one with her most of the time especially when its bedtime. I think it's the cutest thing.

a dog sitting on the grass in a field
a dog sitting on the grass in a field

Our AKC chocolate base red dapple piebald. Say that 5x fast...Mimosa loves to be on your lap and in your face. She never wants to be left out; she can be spiteful at times but mostly just a lover. Her coat is the softest I have ever felt so I enjoy petting her silky smooth coat.

a dog laying on the grass in the grass
a dog laying on the grass in the grass

Our CKC black & tan dapple piebald. She is a sweet girl that is afraid of lots of things especially new people. Her hair stands on end and she will bark them to death. But when it comes to our family, she is a lover. I love how she lays her head on me and nuzzles in almost like she's giving you a hug. It melts me every time.

a dog is sitting on the grass and looking at the camera
a dog is sitting on the grass and looking at the camera

Our CKC black & tan dapple. Rain is super sweet and laid back. She likes her own space at times and other times she jumps up next to us for a good scratch and belly rub. When she's done, she gets down and goes off doing her own thing. One thing I noticed since we got her is that she doesn't like heights. She shakes when you pick her up... but doesn't mind the couch height but not fond of anything higher.

a dog is laying down on the grass
a dog is laying down on the grass